Nevermind. This is a battle. As I was writing the May Day article yesterday the LAPD was firing rubber bullets into a crowd of non-violent protestors. I’m doing my best to not fall into the “us vs. them” trap I wrote about yesterday (no matter who you feel is “us and who is “them) but that’s also a luxury I have sitting in my apartment, bullet wound free. I’m gonna go ahead and quote Jesus, “what you do to the least of these you do to me.” If the police are willing to beat anyone they’re willing to beat you. The anniversary of the L.A. riots was last week, talk to any local and they’ll tell you all about the police abandoning a burning Koreatown and forming a protective ring around Beverly Hills. Who do they serve and protect? It depends on where you fall on the hierarchy. As a white male I’m definitely a lot better off than most, but I also know if there was an earthquake tomorrow the copters would be flying right over the crumbled ruins of my studio apartment to rescue those poor millionaires stranded in the Hollywood Hills. The only solution is to recognize our common humanity and make as many connections with others as possible. A bad night, but a good reminder of the raw force the government can bring down when it chooses. Here’s the video…
Lighter fare next time, I promise. Unless I’m kidnapped, thrown in a plane, and tortured in some remote country…it’s a good thing the U.S. government doesn’t do anything like that or I’d be worried.